Straight guy turned gay sex stories

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(He will soon appear in Julio Torres' directorial debut, which also stars Tilda Swinton, Isabella Rossellini, and Greta Lee.) 'When I was growing up, there wasn't a lot of explicitly queer stuff, so I do feel like I was just grabbing little breadcrumbs from movies and shows when I could,' Scully says, mirroring the experience that most queer millennials and Gen X'ers had before films like Fire Island existed in the mainstream.

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The 30-year-old actor came of age in San Antonio and got his start off-Broadway before transitioning to the screen. It's a charming nice-guy turn that differs wildly from his more out-there performances in You and the Paramount Network's Heathers reboot. The comedy ( now streaming on Hulu) puts a contemporary spin on Pride and Prejudice, which makes Scully the Charles Bingley to Bowen Yang's 'terminally alone' Jane Bennett.

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James Scully is one of the resident heartthrobs in Fire Island, the Joel Kim Booster-scripted movie about a group of gay friends searching for love, sex, and/or all-night ragers during a trip to New York's storied queer mecca.

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