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For an upper release, we recommend Rudy Gay or Release 7. Jumpshot 98: Still the best for the third straight year, as this jumpshot is quick, easy to time, and smooth. The Dante Exum upper is probably best for this base, as well. While Allen is better as of now, Exum is a release you may be comfortable with from last year. Same story as above, we recommend Carmelo Anthony or Klay Thompson for the upper release.ĭante Exum: The dominant release of 2K21 is still good on 2K22. Ray Allen: The best catch-and-shoot jumpshot that is even better on Next-Gen than current.

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It’s as quick as 98, looks very similar, and also has big green window both off the dribble and off the catch. Jumpshot 3: Another good jumpshot that is best for players who used 98 in past years. Though it will take some practice to get the timing down, it is probably the best jumpshot off the quick stop. Set Shot 25: The new ‘comp’ base that is extremely fast and has a good green window. In this post we break down the best jumpshots we’ve found from many hours of gameplay, broken down into the best jumpshots for current gen, next-gen, and for big men: Best Jumpshots for Next-Gen You can spend hours looking for the best one and still come up empty, or find one you like and it simply fails to perform. One of the toughest things to do in NBA 2K is to find the best jumpshot.

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